During recent years, the monitoring functions in SAP systems have been
continuously enhanced and, as the central monitoring of complex system
landscapes becomes more and more important, there is a need to explain new
monitoring functions (in addition to those already introduced in ADM106 - SAP
System Monitoring Using CCMS I). To this goal, we designed ADM107- SAP
System Monitoring Using CCMS II.
Building on the knowledge presented in ADM106, you will learn how configure
agents in more detail (installation, using central auto-reaction methods, log file
monitoring) and you will learn about central performance history and different
methods of availability monitoring. Some minor topics complement these key
Monitoring of the SAP Web AS Java will only be touched lightly. Concerning
the SAP Web AS Java, there are currently plans to build special training, named
ADM215 - Monitoring and Tuning of SAP Web AS Java. Because of the rather
complex subject, we have decided to design a separate training offering. Currently,
you will find information on monitoring SAP Web AS Java in the training
Course Overview
Unit 1: Configuring Monitoring Agents
Configuring SAPCCM4X Agent
Configuring SAPCCMSR Agent
Configuring SAPCCMSR -j2ee Agent
Unit 2: Availability Monitoring Using CCMS
AvailabilityMonitoring with CCMSPING
AvailabilityMonitoring withGRMG
RFC Availability Monitoring
Unit 3: Using the Central Data Cache
Using the Central Data Cache
Unit 4: Implementing Central Auto-Reaction Methods
Implementing Central Auto-Reaction Methods
Using Central Auto-Reaction Methods
Unit 5: Monitoring Background Jobs
Monitoring Background Jobs
Unit 6: Monitoring Log File Content
Monitoring Log File Content
Unit 7: Configuring Central Performance History
Motivating the Central Performance History
Configuring the Central Performance History
Using the Central Performance History
Unit 8: Connecting CCMS to AlertManagement (ALM)
Alert Management
Alert Management Configuration
Unit 9: Appendix: Additional Monitoring Functions in CCMS
Appendix: Additional Functions for SAP System Monitoring